- You’ve got to admit, with that beard and that belly - he looks like the real deal.
- If by the real deal you mean an overwheight man in a read suit who is hopefully carying an ID?
- Yeah, along with lots of candykane wrappers. Though I don’t think that ID of his is going to do you much good...
- Kris Kringle, adress North Pole, that’s cute.
- Maybe he’s the real Santa, like in the Miracle on 34th street?
- Yeah but, with no happy ending. This Santa fell out of the sky around 9:30.
- From an aircraft?
- Maybe, but it wasn’t a commersial plane, I can tell you that. With a fall from high altitude we would see severe frostbite on his eyes and on his face.
- I spoke to the family, they didn’t see or hear any planes overhead.
- That doesn’t make any sense, he had to have fallen from somewhere!
- I’m sorry, are we overlooking the obvious here? He hit som turbulence, fell out of his sleigh and fell to his doom!
- Santa lying there dead. You’ve got to ask yourself: What kind of world are we living in?
Men vem utförde illdådet?
5 kommentarer:
"Tomten" föll ur en helikopter eftersom han inte lyckades stänga dörren efter att ha bli skjuten. Dock oklart vem som sköt, kanske några hyrda av ett företag med skumraskaffärer.
Jag kan väl få ett halvt poäng för detta, snälla?
Stackars jultomten (Edmund) blev skjuten av sin ex-fru! The Drama!
Tomtens exfru! Fast tomten hette egentligen Edmund Smith (vet ej vad frugan hette så hoppas svaret räcker).
Tomtens exfru!
Gwenn Harwin, den mördades ex hustru
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